Monday, 5 November 2012

A Week in the Life of a First Year Medical Student - Monday

now i don't know about you, but i love learning about what people do day to day (i guess im just nosy like that!) so i thought i'd give you a peek at what my general life is like.

my timetable changes weekly, but this is roughly what i have every week.

7:30am - wake up, get washed, put on smart work clothes as we have clinical skills teaching today and we have to dress according to NHS guidelines.

had a quick flick through the lecture slides for today to give myself an idea of what will be going on.

8:00am - go up for breakfast (i'm in catered accommodation so i have strict meal times)

come back, get my bag ready for the day.

9:00am - first lecture begins on cell membranes, only slightly more complicated than what we covered in A Level biology, but interesting nonetheless.

10:00am - second lecture - an introduction to embryology, seems like a cool but complicated subject.

11:00am - clinical skills teaching - learnt basic clinical skills such as taking blood glucose, temperature, urinalysis etc. was really fun (well, except for the blood glucose bit, which hurt!)

12:00am - go and check on my partner and my petri dishes from an experiment we conducted last week - took some photos to add to the report i have to hand in.

12:30pm - lunchtime! brie sandwich with salad and cheesecake for dessert. yummy! not a big fan of hot lunches if i'm honest, i tend to go for a salad or a sandwich most days.

3:00pm - third and last lecture of the day on evidence based medicine. interesting but not really new information, all stuff that i kind of new beforehand, but it was still good to go through again.

5:00pm - stayed on at the med school to catch up on some work, and then had to go to a training session for a special dinner i'll be helping out with in the near future.

6:00pm - dinner! chicken stuffed with haggis, and veggies, with plum cobbler for dessert. two desserts in one day!! really shouldn't do that - i'll try and be more healthy next time, honest!

7:00pm - start typing up notes, mainly from last week's lectures - it's always good to go over the material again in your own free time, plus i like having a digital copy of them so i don't have to carry around my files when i need them.

10:30pm - watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy in bed, and then sleep. yes, i know i go to bed early, but otherwise i'm really tired and i can't concentrate the next day, plus - i loooove sleep! :)

today happens to be my busiest day of the week (three lectures and a clinical skills session) although usually it's tuesday that is.

i'm now thinking i might do another 'week in the life' next semester, depending on whether my timetable changes? let me know if you'd like to see it :)

until tomorrow,

Eliza xxx

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