Friday, 9 November 2012

A Week in the Life of a First Year Medical Student - Friday

hey there! and onwards onto my day -

8:00am - woke up, got dressed (overslept - oops! so it was a rushed affair and meant i wasn't wearing the most beautifully put together outfit, to say the least)

9:00am - lab practical begins, on resting membrane potential - a whole load of ions and terms i don't quite understand. will have to go back over those notes sometime, when i'm not exhuasted.

11:00am - went and did some independent research for a piece of work we were set on the correct disposal of sharps. wasn't all that successful as there were classes going on in the rooms i wanted to use.

12:30pm - lunch time! fish and chips, tried mushy peas again, but i still don't like them - it's like eating flavourless baby food!!

2:00pm - second practical begins, this time a computer based practical, on medical literature searching and referencing. not all that interesting, but information we need to know in the long run.

3:30pm - get home from the practical. have a shower because i missed my morning one as i woke up late, and nommed on some cookies my parents sent me in a parcel earlier this week. watched some programmes on iplayer to waste yet more time.

5:30pm - dinner time! its really early, but i've been eating at this time for so long now, i get hungry at this time - they've trained me!

7:00pm - writing this blog post, finishing off and submitting a couple pieces of work, and then going to watch Moulin Rouge with a glass of wine with friends! rather excited as its my first time ever watching it, and i've been told it's really good :)

by this time of the week i'm normally really really tired, and i'm not sure why, as if you read through my week, i just spend my time either wasting time on the internet, or typing up notes! i do manage to do a couple of interesting things on the weekend though, promise :D

until tomorrow,

Eliza xxx

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